Friday, August 27, 2010

oh c’moooonnn

hi there! it’s a miracle that i’m alive & still kicking! in the past 24 hours… i have achieved my own sense of godlikeness,

i was able to finish EM assignment (while qi did the ecotect design part), a&p2 reports x 2, anatomy test paper correction all in approximately 18 hours.

although i’m really silly for being enthusiastic about my “achievement”, this is of course, not something i should keep up with. however, do allow me the pleasure of immersing in my own silly bubble of self-admiration for awhile… :P

today, qi told me, my whole life revolves around SSL. wtf that’s not true! it’s a noodles shop by the way. she says 9/10 times when she’s around my place, i will definitely bring out the name whenever we’re both hungry. (and that happens so often that… i’d rather not mention it in fear of public ridicule at the portions of food we eat & the frequency T_T) not true ok! sometimes i grew so bored of it, i mentioned it in the same sentence like “i shall never eat it again! so sien!” but she also said that nevertheless, i managed to get rid of my mental barrier the next time she came. of course la! i always got cheated to gk what (although this sem got lazier lar)! the periods in between each visit of yours is approximately 3 weeks? :/

it’s scary, isn’t it? another week more & we’re yet again, thrown into study week frenzy. thanks, thanks, really, thanks.

i still have a bunch of reports & assignments. godddddddddddddddddddddddd. srsly too last minute :(


Bloody Monday 1280_02

AND since everyone i’ve told specifically to watch has totally ignored me, i’ve decided to shred all sense of dignity and announce: WATCH 血色星期一!!! not the anime one.

srsly, something that i’ve watched about 2 or 3 years ago, & i still remember how awesome it was & also re-watching right now! if you liked inception, those sort of movies, you should give it a try… on pps :P

you should also watch it… if you have a soft spot for cute underage girls *cough* pedophile *cough cough*

they should really endorse me. after all these years! :O


anyway, i would like to yet again, tell you about another boring story. yes, i’m taking a knife and pointing it at your neck.

one day, god decided that he likes a few people on Earth, enough to reward them with the pill of immortality each. they were, naturally enthusiastic about it. let’s just assume the pills of immortality has to be err… delicately concoct, mix and errrr… thrown into an oven for errrr…. weeks. (ASSUME LAH) however, instead of holding a ceremony that could be liken to a graduation ceremony where you say touching, heartfelt words to win a bet of making more people cry so you could go backstage and claim your winnings…. but that’s for another day… he decided to just save the trouble or was made tired by constant words of enthusiasm propelled towards him by A, he decided to just throw all 10 pills to A. (A was probably getting rather annoying and he was feeling annoyed at the constant indiscreet hurrying).

there were 10 pills. each for every of those 10. A immediately swallowed his. however, instead of handing out the other 9 pills, he decided that he did not like the 9 of them enough to be around them for the rest of eternity. but, what was a guy like him to do? god’s words have reached everyone and he.. he, himself had done the indespicable act of announcing to them that he would hand each & every one of them their pill when god has successfully err… baked… the pills. (well, i did not say it was gonna be logical… )

that being said, A knew, he knew the risk of the 9 people knowing what he did but he could not resist himself! it was too much of an orgasmic act to him! he felt a rush through his veins of evil glee and delight as he rubbed both of his hands together in a mad scientist manner.

each pill was enclosed in a separate container. the contents were all same, but yet, god was hygenic what! … err… bear with me…

A took out each & every pill out of the 9 containers and handed out the containers to those 9. he said in a sad tone that god has a failed degree in baking, thus, he extended his apologies while handing them the pill container, which had ingredients of a successful pill plastered on it. A said amicably that god encourages them to bake the pill themselves.


… oh & good luck!



(: nice world we live in.

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