what do they say when life gets tough & people you thought you know are meaner or more disappointing than random strangers on the street?
stop being whiney & suck it up, bitch.
well, whatever happens in the near future, although i could not be sure anymore who would still be by my side by the end of the day, i would like to think i’ll be able to pull it through, come up breathing from the other end & i shall hope you will be there with me too (:
people, they would always have choices. unless you are tied up or blackmailed… the sorts. it only depends which road you chose, who you chose when the time calls for it, how you react to an unpleasant situation, who you wish to hurt to bestow pleasure upon the other, the road you have chosen to be an academic elite…
it does not tick me off as much when you did what you did, although it does disgust me every now & then, but it is the statement you clearly had plastered all over your face that does the trick. you always have & will always do, have choices.
it matters not to me who you are, for i do not know you anymore.
wah enough. enough poetic mood in a post. it freaks me out more than you know it HAHAHA.
kicking ass & ruling the (imaginary) world with my RM10 bedroom slippers :D
FUCK! … i was minding my own business & uploading pictures when qi here sent me a pic of a guy
he uploaded a pic of himself with shorts (thank god)
BUT that’s about it.
you can see
A) potbelly
(i’m not discriminating anyone with potbellies.. hell, i have one so huge that you really would not wan to know)
B) flabby arms & … drooping man boobs
(i have no idea why but an image of lucas’ face pops up immediately.. *ahem* not like i ever have the “privilege” of – checking it out – wtf hmmm i think it’s because jershyan keeps commenting about his man boobs)
C) too much hints of a certain underwear which is also a … unappetizing shade of colour… & some err hair leading from his belly button to…. god knows i do not want to think where it leads to.
i seriously do not have anything against people with the above!
just very wrong lor.
did i mentioned the very “warm” smile included? it’s like a whole damn package of stuff to pollute your eyes with. wtf srslyyyyyy why on earth?
speaking of which, we clearly have different taste in guys as qi described him as
wow. just wow.
& now she’s leaving me to sleep! so early! goddamn. i think she wants to keep the image fresh in her mind so she could dream about it HAHA.
i’m so gonna get killed for this :P
famine 30
reminds me of primary school :/
neeed… to… get my specs tighten at the right end! droooopy! :(
qi had to take these when i was folding my jacket
major stoning at 6am with approximately 3 hours of sleep max.
thanks to that stupid malay girl who was sleeping near me…
every half an hour or so.. her “abang” would call & she would say something among the lines of these
“ada… ada minum soya milk..”
“ya kah… tadak punnn… ”
“mmm… yeee”
… wtf.
no idea how qi could sleep through all these! her ringtone was quite loud! i think it’s one of rihanna’s songs hmmm :/
no idea how this dude got here & started a speech about racial equality & stuff… which then send people to slumberland throughout the hour or so.
he did have a pretty young wife & kids though.
seriously, do not. do not. underestimate old guys. before they appear, everyone had a wtf expression on their face… like they’re here for zhang dong liang & liang jing ru not for a random band comprised of old guys who also named themselves TC4.
… at least i think it’s called TC4 wtf.
anyway, they wowed us. the guy on the huge screen might be the youngest already.. the dude beside him is in chronic balding stage =.=
yay for older generations :D
biggest stars (:
snowblizz foooooood
ABC whatever that is equal to ice kacang!
lately i’ve found out that the prawn mee in ssl is comparable to penang’s… sorry lor, i know many people have told me the same thing but i ignored them cuz there’s nothing that could beat the penang prawn mee in my heart!
so, in ssl, i’ve eaten approximately 100 bowls of spicy soup mee, 15 bowls of herbal soup mee in a wide span of 14 months WTF.
ironically, when i was reading this widely circulated email of this guy ordering chicken chop rice in every single shop he went… but one day, he had the courage of ordering other sort of chicken rice while telling himself repeatedly like a deranged person that he could change back next time if he doesn’t like this set of chicken rice…
& he experienced the wonders of enjoying a wide variety of food after that.
after reading it, i was thinking how ridiculous it was & it only happens in comics lah!
guess who happens to do the same thing?
back to the prawn mee in ssl. this one is close! close to penang one!
i used to have prawn mee + ice kacang in penang almost every night for a few months! brings back memories…
about food.
neeeeeeeeed penang fooooooooooooooood
actually, i just need food, in general. damn fat & hungry these days.. dunno why :(