Sunday, August 29, 2010

suck it up

what do they say when life gets tough & people you thought you know are meaner or more disappointing than random strangers on the street?

stop being whiney & suck it up, bitch.


well, whatever happens in the near future, although i could not be sure anymore who would still be by my side by the end of the day, i would like to think i’ll be able to pull it through, come up breathing from the other end & i shall hope you will be there with me too (:

people, they would always have choices. unless you are tied up or blackmailed… the sorts. it only depends which road you chose, who you chose when the time calls for it, how you react to an unpleasant situation, who you wish to hurt to bestow pleasure upon the other, the road you have chosen to be an academic elite…

it does not tick me off as much when you did what you did, although it does disgust me every now & then, but it is the statement you clearly had plastered all over your face that does the trick. you always have & will always do, have choices.

it matters not to me who you are, for i do not know you anymore.



wah enough. enough poetic mood in a post. it freaks me out more than you know it HAHAHA.


IMG_2030 copykicking ass & ruling the (imaginary) world with my RM10 bedroom slippers  :D




FUCK! … i was minding my own business & uploading pictures when qi here sent me a pic of a guy

he uploaded a pic of himself with shorts (thank god)

BUT that’s about it.


you can see

A) potbelly

(i’m not discriminating anyone with potbellies.. hell, i have one so huge that you really would not wan to know)


B) flabby arms & … drooping man boobs

(i have no idea why but an image of lucas’ face pops up immediately.. *ahem* not like i ever have the “privilege” of – checking it out – wtf hmmm i think it’s because jershyan keeps commenting about his man boobs)


C) too much hints of a certain underwear which is also a … unappetizing shade of colour… & some err hair leading from his belly button to…. god knows i do not want to think where it leads to.


i seriously do not have anything against people with the above!


just very wrong lor.


did i mentioned the very “warm” smile included? it’s like a whole damn package of stuff to pollute your eyes with. wtf srslyyyyyy why on earth?


speaking of which, we clearly have different taste in guys as qi described him as



wow. just wow.

& now she’s leaving me to sleep! so early! goddamn. i think she wants to keep the image fresh in her mind so she could dream about it HAHA.

i’m so gonna get killed for this :P



famine 30


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reminds me of primary school :/


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neeed… to… get my specs tighten at the right end! droooopy! :(


qi had to take these when i was folding my jacket

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major stoning at 6am with approximately 3 hours of sleep max.

thanks to that stupid malay girl who was sleeping near me…

every half an hour or so.. her “abang” would call & she would say something among the lines of these

“ada… ada minum soya milk..”

“ya kah… tadak punnn… ”


“mmm… yeee”


… wtf.


no idea how qi could sleep through all these! her ringtone was quite loud! i think it’s one of rihanna’s songs hmmm :/



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no idea how this dude got here & started a speech about racial equality & stuff… which then send people to slumberland throughout the hour or so.

he did have a pretty young wife & kids though.

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seriously, do not. do not. underestimate old guys. before they appear, everyone had a wtf expression on their face… like they’re here for zhang dong liang & liang jing ru not for a random band comprised of old guys who also named themselves TC4.


… at least i think it’s called TC4 wtf.


anyway, they wowed us. the guy on the huge screen might be the youngest already.. the dude beside him is in chronic balding stage =.=


yay for older generations :D


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biggest stars (:



snowblizz foooooood

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ABC whatever that is equal to ice kacang!



lately i’ve found out that the prawn mee in ssl is comparable to penang’s… sorry lor, i know many people have told me the same thing but i ignored them cuz there’s nothing that could beat the penang prawn mee in my heart!

so, in ssl, i’ve eaten approximately 100 bowls of spicy soup mee, 15 bowls of herbal soup mee in a wide span of 14 months WTF.


ironically, when i was reading this widely circulated email of this guy ordering chicken chop rice in every single shop he went… but one day, he had the courage of ordering other sort of chicken rice while telling himself repeatedly like a deranged person that he could change back next time if he doesn’t like this set of chicken rice…

& he experienced the wonders of enjoying a wide variety of food after that.


after reading it, i was thinking how ridiculous it was & it only happens in comics lah!


guess who happens to do the same thing?





back to the prawn mee in ssl. this one is close! close to penang one!


i used to have prawn mee + ice kacang in penang almost every night for a few months! brings back memories…

about food.



neeeeeeeeed penang fooooooooooooooood

actually, i just need food, in general. damn fat & hungry these days.. dunno why :(

Friday, August 27, 2010

oh c’moooonnn

hi there! it’s a miracle that i’m alive & still kicking! in the past 24 hours… i have achieved my own sense of godlikeness,

i was able to finish EM assignment (while qi did the ecotect design part), a&p2 reports x 2, anatomy test paper correction all in approximately 18 hours.

although i’m really silly for being enthusiastic about my “achievement”, this is of course, not something i should keep up with. however, do allow me the pleasure of immersing in my own silly bubble of self-admiration for awhile… :P

today, qi told me, my whole life revolves around SSL. wtf that’s not true! it’s a noodles shop by the way. she says 9/10 times when she’s around my place, i will definitely bring out the name whenever we’re both hungry. (and that happens so often that… i’d rather not mention it in fear of public ridicule at the portions of food we eat & the frequency T_T) not true ok! sometimes i grew so bored of it, i mentioned it in the same sentence like “i shall never eat it again! so sien!” but she also said that nevertheless, i managed to get rid of my mental barrier the next time she came. of course la! i always got cheated to gk what (although this sem got lazier lar)! the periods in between each visit of yours is approximately 3 weeks? :/

it’s scary, isn’t it? another week more & we’re yet again, thrown into study week frenzy. thanks, thanks, really, thanks.

i still have a bunch of reports & assignments. godddddddddddddddddddddddd. srsly too last minute :(


Bloody Monday 1280_02

AND since everyone i’ve told specifically to watch has totally ignored me, i’ve decided to shred all sense of dignity and announce: WATCH 血色星期一!!! not the anime one.

srsly, something that i’ve watched about 2 or 3 years ago, & i still remember how awesome it was & also re-watching right now! if you liked inception, those sort of movies, you should give it a try… on pps :P

you should also watch it… if you have a soft spot for cute underage girls *cough* pedophile *cough cough*

they should really endorse me. after all these years! :O


anyway, i would like to yet again, tell you about another boring story. yes, i’m taking a knife and pointing it at your neck.

one day, god decided that he likes a few people on Earth, enough to reward them with the pill of immortality each. they were, naturally enthusiastic about it. let’s just assume the pills of immortality has to be err… delicately concoct, mix and errrr… thrown into an oven for errrr…. weeks. (ASSUME LAH) however, instead of holding a ceremony that could be liken to a graduation ceremony where you say touching, heartfelt words to win a bet of making more people cry so you could go backstage and claim your winnings…. but that’s for another day… he decided to just save the trouble or was made tired by constant words of enthusiasm propelled towards him by A, he decided to just throw all 10 pills to A. (A was probably getting rather annoying and he was feeling annoyed at the constant indiscreet hurrying).

there were 10 pills. each for every of those 10. A immediately swallowed his. however, instead of handing out the other 9 pills, he decided that he did not like the 9 of them enough to be around them for the rest of eternity. but, what was a guy like him to do? god’s words have reached everyone and he.. he, himself had done the indespicable act of announcing to them that he would hand each & every one of them their pill when god has successfully err… baked… the pills. (well, i did not say it was gonna be logical… )

that being said, A knew, he knew the risk of the 9 people knowing what he did but he could not resist himself! it was too much of an orgasmic act to him! he felt a rush through his veins of evil glee and delight as he rubbed both of his hands together in a mad scientist manner.

each pill was enclosed in a separate container. the contents were all same, but yet, god was hygenic what! … err… bear with me…

A took out each & every pill out of the 9 containers and handed out the containers to those 9. he said in a sad tone that god has a failed degree in baking, thus, he extended his apologies while handing them the pill container, which had ingredients of a successful pill plastered on it. A said amicably that god encourages them to bake the pill themselves.


… oh & good luck!



(: nice world we live in.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

quiet afternoon


sigh. i just got back from lunch.

it’s been sooo long since i ate alone outside :(

it’s probably inferiority complex but i still can’t embrace it. it’s far too… lonely :(


i don’t know what possessed me to do it but i guess it can accounted for by my raging fever. how did i know i had a fever? ironically, although i’m studying bio stuff but i can’t even detect that i have fallen ill. goddamn stupid.

someone remarked that i was hot yesterday. okay, i would really like it if it meant what i hope it meant LOL. they meant my body was hot. … goddamn this is getting nowhere.

funny but the symptoms of it that i’m feeling right now has been running for about a few weeks already WTF.

so, it probably meant i’m having an on & off fever for a few weeks but i’m so dense that i’m not getting it. goddamn receiver rosak :(


and now, you’ll probably be wondering why was i having nasi paprik in a mamak store within my condo grounds while i’m blissfully enjoying the effects of my raging fever. the reason is… aiya, i don’t know also. i guess i was too dizzy to entrust myself with the noble mission to walk a distance to have a healthier meal. but then again, who am i kidding? healthier meal? here? nah.

all i wanted was a quiet lazy afternoon with a warm meal down my oil barrel stomach. i initially wanted to eat in my room but i thought some fresh air would do me some good. and again.. who am i kidding?

when i walked towards the store, all i saw was two condo guards eating. i sat down, ordered and then suddenly half a dozen people came in and speak a mixture of gibberish, mandarin, malay & tamil.

thank my lucky stars.

i took out my iphone (no other better invention at that moment) and started playing the shark game, where the player is a shark and you get the gobble up fishes & PEOPLE.

god, i love it.


fast forward to the time where i was gorging myself of food. more guys who suspiciously seemed to be from utar. nah, erase that. they ARE definitely from utar. some people ooze utar style, i’m unfortunately serious. i am no doubt one of them HAHAHA. the classic backpack and nerdy glasses, uncombed hair, big t-shirt, slippers, old shorts.

they talked incessantly, looked over at me with my awfully huge plate of rice that stared at me accusingly when i couldn’t finish it.

then, as if i thought the worst part of eating alone has already happened, someone yelled my name in a unique way that i could not ignore and instantly knew who it was.

in my state, throbbing head, unkempt hair all over my face, unfinished plate of rice accusingly staring at me while all the while projecting images of african kids through my mind, the curious group of guys in front and me thinking how dead i would be tomorrow at this time…

i waved and smiled like an idiot.




and so, that proudly draws an ending to my quiet afternoon lunch.

okay, back to the plate of rice. i left like 3 mouthfuls. seriously stuffed. normally, i could finished EVERYTHING.

doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, just look at my oil barrel of a tummy when you see me next time.


stuff i wrote yesterday but didn’t post it up:


the truth remains that we are in no position to judge love relationships. it might seemed crystal clear to the world but there are sure to be certain things that eludes the most observant of minds.

lately, i’ve been shamefully something i largely despised not long ago – a stalker. LOL. i delight myself with the obvious spark between two certain people i don’t even know. well, at least i am just an internet one. such stalkers are quite common actually *consoles self*

their bliss momentarily allow me to run away from assignments, reports and tests for awhile :P


i think the reason why they appeal so much to me out of so many relationships is that… theirs seemed to have came out of a damn blissful teenage drama.

like it or not, most of us have a certain love-hate relationship with teenage dramas :/

we would love to be the characters in it at some point of our lives, whether it was a passed infatuation of the mind or not.

but these people, they are true characters in this world and down-to-earth. & goddamn diabetes-sweet to each other HAHAHA. it’s like watching romeo-juliet love story unfold in front of your eyes (ok, not exactly, cuz you cant really see it online wtf)

aih, the point is they made me an internet stalker. not my fault. really. ask god D:


HAHAHA ironically, after i finished writing, one of them has switched their profile to private. ah well, my 3 days of creepy stalking & the airing of love story officially ends here :( … however, i am strangely relieved.. probably because i will no longer think of myself as a stalker WTF :O


next, i would like to say something about my recent less activeness on facebook.

the thing is, i find some sense in what eanjee said. it’s a little like telling the world the slightest feeling you have now. like, i’m hungry. so? GO EAT LAH. not like i could facebook chat you a cheesecake or something. however, i shall plainly admit that i too, have committed this silly mistake.

and also, i realized that some of the time, all i get after reading facebook stuff is pangs of unspeakable horror, disappointment, sadness and more horror.

i.e  twisted words.

i don’t wish to voice it out, can’t voice it out, wouldn’t voice it out.


some stuff is better left alone. i don’t wish to like anything, comment about anything. let it go with the flow. i’ll take the back seat :)

as long as i know the truth, i think i’ll carry the burden alone.


i guess one of the significant changes in me is that i no longer vomit verbal diarrhoea on people who might have asked for it or who haven’t or who just probed me gently about what has been bothering me to result in such a sulky face. i learned that i shouldn’t torture people with my own childish thoughts.

people do not like it, and i would not like the consequences as well. so, why throw myself in the middle of a busy highway road?


ah well, but i shall predict this phase will run out of gas soon. i’ll probably be back on facebook typing more silly stuff or… i might just deactivate it :/ well, the future would tell.




lastly, i would like to say, FUCK OFF to someone.

i shall tell of a little scenario. i hope these fuckers read this.


one day, a guy, B added me on facebook. like most people, they typically add the people i’m always with too. one day, A & i were talking about someone, which leads to a misunderstanding on my side. i thought A was referring to this guy, B who has a unique facebook picture. but A wasn’t talking about him.

to clarify who i was referring to, A showed me B’s profile on fb. and i said yes.

fate has a way of telling us it exists.

B wrote a status about getting attracted to a certain type of girls who has a distinctive type of feature. haunted by curiosity, both of us read it without even telling each other to do so.

the contents left us with horror at certain JUNIORS (i’m spitting this word out bdw).

take for example that you are fat.

they would say something like OMFG, can she get any fatter? her fats like gonna leak out anytime, man! like, if i see her, i would like to cut out all her fats. my friend once told me to walk up to her and say “miss, your fats have dropped all over the place, this is the cork, please don’t leak it out again”.

take for example that you have a lot of pimples.

they would say something like, FUCK so many pimples! if i see her, i would like to cut off her face lor. so ugly! see also want vomit. like ghost leh.


please, have you looked at mirror like say… in the past year? goddamn. like your girlfriend is anything above average or at least, better than the girls you condemned so harshly with your uneducated words.


scratch that, i don’t think i should say anything about your girlfriend when she has a dick of a boyfriend to put up with. i sympathize greatly with her.

now, back to you. go get plastic surgery, fuckface.



of course, i wouldn’t be such a bitch if he wasn’t talking bout one of my friends.


fuckface seemingly is a Y1S2 chemical engineering student.

trying to look cool by putting down others who are better, earns you a degree in fuckface. why still bother?


oh and B seemed to have entirely forgotten that he added all of us on facebook, but yet, he remarked that we won’t see this status as he didn’t add us.

oh and they were wondering about the reaction the girl they were referring to, would have IF she reads it.

but of course, she won’t right. B says he didn’t add her.

right. great memory, B.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


does it mean something… when Clinique goes to 2 other UTAR campus but not FES? LOL.

P.S they even went next door :/


not like i could imagine who would have the guts to join here… but still!

i guess the engineering short passage on facebook really meant something ://

F female engineers’ lives


三. 推銷員
而你那位工程師丈夫要面對的唯一危險是,由於整日盯著計算機,視力將會衰退。這危險其實對 你有好處︰當你變老時,他不會注意到,因為他的視力模糊了。但他的記憶力卻非常好,仍記著你們初次相會時你那年輕美麗的容貌。假如你擔心他在望著別的年輕女人,對他說︰「親愛的,你干嘛老瞧著她呀?」他會很誠實地回答說︰「我根本無法看清那女人的臉﹗」
嫁給工程師的好處 [反証版]
3..男工程師呆板無趣,根本不活在人的社會中,只活在圖表的世界裡, 所以你不必花心思去取悅他。
10. 男工程師除了以上之外毫無魅力可言,所以嫁給他不用擔心他有外遇。

we seriously have no “value”. LOL. & is it my imagination or male engineers’ value have skyrocketed? goddamn sien.


ah well. credits to lee xin qi who told me about it.


more importantly, fml for (going to) screw CAD. seriously feel like i’ve been blacking out for the whole sem. or at least i feel so. or the simple fact that my midterms have been shouting profanities at me.