Monday, September 14, 2009

missing… not.

ok, so after the… somewhat embarrassing display of overprotective-ness on especially… my bro’s part… (whom… i had no idea how he hacked into my msn account AND fb account) & talked to… i’m not sure who really wtf.

anyway, thanks to qi, seen & sk…. & im not sure who else… maybe you could drop me a line if my stupid bro talked to you =.=

sorry for the trouble =.= & sorry i can’t msg back qi, seen, ashley & also a couple of numbers… im not even sure belongs to who, ‘cuz my retarded prepaid plan just screwed me = credit expired.



after the drama and all that ^*$^#^$@%#@#* ON YOUR BLOODY PHONE etc, he asked me in an ultimate serious tone…








are you a lesbo?









‘cuz my fb account still shows i’m “in a relationship with BELINDA LEE”.

bloody shit lor u bla, u even made my bro think i’m not straight!!!


& he said he clicked your profile & you had one of those stupid quiz in your sidebar stating -


Percentage to reflect your gender!

90% Men 10% Women






for the last time, it was to piss off her (then) bf.







but yeah, kissing another girl?





majorly HOT.




and bro, you really should not read my blog >.<

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