Monday, September 14, 2009

missing… not.

ok, so after the… somewhat embarrassing display of overprotective-ness on especially… my bro’s part… (whom… i had no idea how he hacked into my msn account AND fb account) & talked to… i’m not sure who really wtf.

anyway, thanks to qi, seen & sk…. & im not sure who else… maybe you could drop me a line if my stupid bro talked to you =.=

sorry for the trouble =.= & sorry i can’t msg back qi, seen, ashley & also a couple of numbers… im not even sure belongs to who, ‘cuz my retarded prepaid plan just screwed me = credit expired.



after the drama and all that ^*$^#^$@%#@#* ON YOUR BLOODY PHONE etc, he asked me in an ultimate serious tone…








are you a lesbo?









‘cuz my fb account still shows i’m “in a relationship with BELINDA LEE”.

bloody shit lor u bla, u even made my bro think i’m not straight!!!


& he said he clicked your profile & you had one of those stupid quiz in your sidebar stating -


Percentage to reflect your gender!

90% Men 10% Women






for the last time, it was to piss off her (then) bf.







but yeah, kissing another girl?





majorly HOT.




and bro, you really should not read my blog >.<

Monday, September 7, 2009

small bites

ok, i was just exaggerating lah, not emo ok, i am a happy person (yep, i keep telling myself that, like a deranged fellow) i just suddenly thought of people i love ;]


……. after getting a little upset.


but thanks to people who cared T.T i am back! bffs bitched about with me for like 4 hours. & ken made me so gandong lor T.T he says to be happy always, hahaha simple yet to the point.


(qi asked me to crop her out =.=)


one of the 0.0000000001% days where i have a remotely “good hair day”! =DDD my super lengzai de uncle took & sent me wan, not bad leh, i never ever ever ever ever look remotely “normal” in candids. sr gor gor (i have no idea who started calling) was explaining to us the rules of the game… which qi & i won sooooo successfully in one of the early matches so well that we were really mad happy! no one suspected we were BOTH killers. pun not intended hahaha.

but i lost one of the wood stacking game =.= those damn pieces of wood betrayed me! & i had to answer a weird question lor. nearly lost another but the guy above helped me! thank you sososososososososoososo much T.T i have never liked truth or dare =.=


it was the LONGEST steamboat session EVER… ok, but that’s just in the history of my steamboat records =.= what i thought was a 2-hour movie session (the orphan) stretched out to a 16-hour movie+shopping+sushi+steamboat+games day. the movie started at 2. i was half an hour late. omg, seriously sorry to weichun, seen & mum leh. so, guess what time i reached home? yep, the next day at 617am to be precise.


chio anot! lol.


my lengzai de uncle (he asked me to call him that so….) sent me videos too but i think he would want to post them himself, so ;] and one of it of me nearly making a whole set of wood pieces fall =.= and another one of mum dancing sexily & my voice being so damn 38. eh, i just realized i have really guy-ish voice. how ah? T.T summore got sr gor gor singing & my chairman da ge dancing lor. so deliciously scandalous LOL.


oh & damn funny lor just now, my housemates were fighting. ok, sorry, allow me to rephrase… i mean “talking”.







aiya, you this you that, i hid behind my door & peacefully sip my sunkist apple juice =) LOL.


so now, we have a cleaning schedule =.= like wtf.

i think she regretted talking about it too. after she said something bout cleanliness, the other one said FINE, WE ARE HAVING A CLEANING SCHEDULE. NOW.

then she said “nono, i mean 我觉得我们都是大人了,看到肮脏就抹啦”

the other one insisted. like no room for discussion sort wan.




and you know how it started? A threw clothes in washing machine, B took them all out and put in A’s basket (which had some sort of cleaning spray in it). and the spray sprayed all over… everything.


aih, talking about volcano eruption.



i am getting mad. super mad. driven mad by papers. papers with words and numbers on them. words & numbers which looked like plain gibberish to me. which i have not started to actually seriously take a look at them (i’m still stuck at the contents page… which some of you might know ady). & you know you are mad boneless lazy when bout 10 random different people are telling you how mad lazy you are and to BUCK UP WTF.


aih, & should i take up short sem? i ady promised people i would be home for 2-3 months leh!!! & also it has been like a gazillion years since i last saw MY OWN BRO. although i still lose him in wrestling… even after collecting nearly 19 years of experience… aih shit wtf. i desperately need some bff time. & i ady envisioned how my 19th birthday is gonna be. ok, the dark/bad side of me cooked it up but still. & my birthday this year is on a MONDAY!!! what shit right. aih, i can ady imagined myself eating the only thing i cooked here =.= & …….. i dunno, apple juice? lol. and no vacation!!! T.T if i’m taking up short sem, i would suffer less during the long sem but… 


aih, i dunno, what do u think la qi? (no ___ right)




eh, cant sleep la now, i think i go wash my small hill of dirty laundry…. at 521am. god, i am taking the deranged-girl role oh so seriously.

Friday, September 4, 2009

to :’)



i couldn’t stop thinking about this after a phone call with a good friend,


to the people who gave me one of the best years of my life just because of their companionship, the people i could once count my life on, the people i would cherish for a long time to come, if not forever,


the people who would wake up at 3am in the morning just because i said my blog got flamed and spend the next hour or so screwing that person so badly that he/she retreated and we all go back to bed laughing.

the people who were always there for me when i needed them to hear me vent most, we would share our sorrow so much that we would end up crying and laughing at the same time, almost healed.

the people who would look out for me, who stood up for me against that girl so much that she got evicted from our circle and never cross our path ever again and stuck by my side through thick and thin, i owe it to you guys.


thank you. pardon my emo-ness and dramatic-ness, i love you guys.



i guess i’m on my own now.

a different city with different people. and i have to remind myself, badly deserves a different me.