Saturday, April 16, 2011

tech idiot

i have something big to announce:

for everything concerning electronics… please stick a stick-it note on my forehead that says “world’s greatest idiot”

it’s official.

even both my bf ♥& gf ♥ says so! :(


scenario 1 w/ bf:

after FINALLY handing up our digital electronics’ report, my bf & gf & i went over to jusco setiawangsa for SUSHI! T_T


i’m weeping in remembrance of the moment when you felt your life is complete… that only kinda happens when i’m surrounded with food… but really… i’m just actually weeping cuz i stuffed a lot of wasabi in my mouth.

also had the greatest fun stuffing him with wasabi :P my bf has the cutest ♥ weeping face ever :P (no wonder he claims i’m a sadist at every chance he gets ://)

ahhh if only i have pictures to show! i feel like i’ve not taken many pictures in years! just charged my camera though! i’m so pumped up right now.

after being stuffed more than your fattest soft toy, we went and explored the place. in truth, we were trying to find the cinema. we found an arcade games centre! … which totally reminds me of the time i beat my bf FLAT when we played the basketball game in gurney plaza :P

summore people on school team one wor HAHAHA


after exploring what seemed like 7/8 of the entire place. i asked for directions from a lady working.

me: hi, erm can you tell me where’s the cinema?

lady: *shocked* … no.. there’s no cinema here! but there’s one in wangsa walk

me: … thanks (fml)


at that moment, i felt so touristy =.= … which i then proceeded to punish confront my bf for saying there’s a cinema!!

feeling dejected, the three of us walked into jusco. that was the end of all our intentions to stop getting fat.

we bought two cartons of ice-creams, a dozen vitagens, 2kg worth of yogurt & jam.

i asked him to store the ice-creams in his fridge as mine is not cold enough… :( so we got home to start on our artificial organs report while he went over for basketball. we were all kinda pumped cuz we wanted to watch SCREAM later in the night! but of course, scream wasn’t onscreen yet… dejected level 2.

he came over with ice-creams and we dug in with our weapons (spoons)… however, the ice-creams were not really frozen :( …

me: 我觉得好委屈噢……为什么要吃溶掉的冰淇淋 :(

my bf totally wanna whack me :D


HAHAHA! you totally have to watch this to understand the joke!

& then it so happens that he opened my fridge & said…

“do you wanna know why your fridge isn't cold?”


me: what why?

him: CUZ U ONLY SWITCHED IT ON TO 2! while the maximum is 7!

& then proceeded to call me stupid! :(


… it became so cold thereafter that my yogurt was frozen even though i left it on the 2nd rack.



scenario 2 w/ gf:

this has got to be the dumbest thing ever.

i was searching for information on relay (electronics) on the web when suddenly…



i looked up, confused at qi, who was sitting beside me, looking at our analogue circuit.

she asked “what was that”

i said “i dunno… wait omg is it from our circuit!?”




i knew that but… i guess i was more of expecting infinitely more advanced aliens dressed in fairy godmother dresses, descending to earth & help me get my circuit work the way it is supposed to  =.=

for good measure, she waved her hands in front of the sensor… when… *beep*

like the world’s greatest blonde, i immediately exclaimed:






*smacks forehead*


she: you just opened a youtube video right


me: … fml.



FINALLY found out that my camera picture colour is adjustable fmlfmlfml

is my hair shinier shinier shinier? got right got right! i just did hair treatment ♥



as usual i was joking when i pointed at a friend’s sandwiches & groan that i’m starving…

when he said “eat la… *gonna jokingly kidnap his lunch box* ….. eat one bite lor.. my baobei did for me one”


… indescribable feeling of kena owned =.=

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