Sunday, November 7, 2010

smile :)


happiness comes to me when i see the smile i helped put on. :)



215647missing home :( 


i realized i have changed & learned more than i had in the 18 years before i came here. i could not imagine i was once so…… but then, maybe everything happens for a reason.


it’s different. & i want it to be.



dumb but lately, i realized that people who care are not necessarily the ones who text you all day, not the ones who tell you they’ll be there when you need it, not the ones who give promises, not the ones who interrogates you of each remotely negative emotions, but the ones who says it doesn’t matter, they don’t have to know, no matter what people say, no matter what shit you got yourself into, they trust your character. no promises, no sweet talk, no daily interrogation of thoughts & emotions but they are really there for you when needed.


texts could be just text.

talk could be just mere talk.

promises could be broken.


when they are there, they are really there for you.  


i’d say, actions speak louder than words.

* i’m not pointing fingers.. just emphasizing on the great attributes of the people i’m newly appreciative of.

thank you. although i’m pretty sure you have no idea that this is actually for you. but as long as i do :) not just you, but especially you.


in another 30 octaves frivolous note, can someone tell me if “friend zone” exist? apparently, some people think it’s ridiculous and stems from one too many chick flicks while others swore on it.


A: as a friend, i approved of him.

B: no! he’s in the friend zone! 

A: oh too bad… i totally get it...

C: are you mad? where got such ridiculous thing? too many chick flicks lah!


and emo cuz

person D says 你最近是不是吃好住好

person E says 你的脸是不是水肿

person F says 你去试试减肥药


i remember there are yet a few others but unfortunately, i can’t think pass through all these sudden emo-ness. so yeah… SAD :(

very ironic hor? cuz my starting point was SMILE. and in the end it was…. sad… SAD.



hahaha just kidding. i’m happy :)



P.s happy birthday. now, if only i could erase THAT image from my mind… i could actually go to sleep. :/

love you guys.

funny-pictures-cat-diaryok, maybe cats aren’t that cute lol. conspiracy theorists! :O

smile :)

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