Saturday, June 19, 2010

SRC election

im usually quite ignorant about nominating and voting in general cuz of a number of reasons like i dunno if they really want the position or not or like if they are responsible or something *stressed T_T & etc

this year, i’ve seen quite a number of familiar faces on the list – HI! i hope you guys win! :D

but when i was scanning the list… i saw a name that stroke a chord but i can’t seemed to put my finger on it at that point…

it took me a few hours to connect the dots. >> sien super slow i know

he verbally (& sort of sexually) harassed a girl.

seriously? someone that is running for SRC having such a tendency?

nah, i don’t see what he said as a joke unless you’re really mentally sick. c’mon, cracking a sexually disrespectful one? your mum would be so proud.

thanks but no thanks, i don’t fancy someone like that to be in charge. but then again, i have A WHOLE LOT of faith that your competitor(s) would secure the position you’re fighting for so…

i’ll probably just keep my hands tied & mouth sewn shut. probably (:

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